Creative Writing Camp: Find Your Voice

A 5-day generative online creative writing workshop

August 12-16, 2024 (new dates!)
10am to 12pm EST

In a world inundated with the message of being your authentic self and expressing your singular voice, many of us can’t distinguish between what’s the voice we think other people want to hear from us and our TRUE voice.

Some questions that often come up:

  • What IS voice?

  • How do I find it?

  • How do I know it’s mine?

In this 5-day writing camp, you’ll tune into your body and explore your voice through these generative creative writing workshops. The intensity of a 5-day workshop will help us get into the practice of simply writing, without room for the thinking mind (aka: ego) to get in the way. There will be a few readings and lots of writing through prompts and play, meditations and musings.

This camp is for seasoned writers and totally beginners alike! If you’ve always wanted to explore creative writing but were traumatized by a teacher or professor who said you weren’t cut out to be a poet or writer, then this is the class for you to break through that bullsh*t!

Come with a willingness to be open and curious! To experiment! To put pen to paper! To explore language and play with it! To engage your imagination!

  • Who Am I?

    What makes you YOU? Is it your cultural identity? Is it your environment? Is your family? Who are you?

  • What Does My Voice Sound Like?

    Take a look at what words you choose, the order in which they land, and what your literal voice sounds like

  • What Does My Body Say?

    Our bodies talk to us all the time. What can we hear? Let’s practice deep listening to give our bodies space to be heard.

  • What Does My Spirit Say?

    Our true voices come from within. Deep in the heart space. What do you hear? What voice emerges?

August 12-16, 2024 (new dates!)
10am to 12pm EST

About your facilitator:

Leslieann Hobayan is a Filipina-American poet, essayist, activist mom, and host of Spiritual Grit, a podcast at the intersection of spirituality and activism. She is the author of the chapbook, Divorce Papers: A Slow Burn (Finishing Line Press, 2023) and her poetry manuscript, Jeepney Girl: An Archipelago, was a finalist for the Trio House Press Open. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize and a 2018 Best of the Net, her work has appeared in The Rumpus, Aster(ix) Journal, The Grief Diaries, The Lantern Review, The Mom Egg Review, The World I Leave You: Asian American Poets on Faith and Spirit, and elsewhere. She has been awarded fellowships from the Vermont Studio Center, Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation, VCCA, and artist grants from Community of Writers and the Bread Loaf Orion Environmental Writers Conference. Currently teaching at Rutgers University, she’s also a spiritual mentor for women of color, a yoga & meditation teacher, a tarot reader, and facilitates sacred healing circles for folks of color.