New blog posts are over on Substack:
Adventures in Midlife!
(and don’t worry! I’m still taking race, politics, writing, spirituality, magic, and all that good stuff
—just through the very specific lens of midlife. ;)
Maverick Mondays
Welcome to Maverick Mondays!
Each week, I’ll share the stories of my healing journey as a woman writer of color so that others may find comfort in knowing that they are not alone. I hope that my example can show you that YES! healing — true, lasting, deep healing — — IS possible! That you can thrive in your life, living as your most authentic self without shrinking from the world and being the change maker you know you are called to be.
Dear White People, Your Silence is Deafening.
We play by white people’s rules, mistakenly thinking that this will get us ahead in life, but we never ask for help in a game designed to destroy us.
Start your journey with me
Send an email today!