(Video Recordings)
Your old identities are burning away.
You can choose to hold on and
continue to struggle in crisis.
You can let them burn to ash
and rise up into the glorious flaming bird
who soars into her true soul's calling.
Which will you choose?
One day, you wake up and ask yourself: who am I??? What am I even doing with my life? My job? What IS that? Can I even do it anymore? How did I get here? What happened to my "happily ever after"? I mean, what the heck is my purpose in life?? Do I even know anymore?? Did I EVER know??
Welcome to the first sign of midlife.
If you're a Gen-Xer like me, you were likely handed The Plan where you were supposed to graduate high school, go to college, get a "good job with benefits", find someone to marry, have a couple of kids, buy a house, raise a family AND work that "good job with benefits" until the kids moved out. Then you worked until retirement, traveled some, then moved somewhere to be close to the grandkids until you moved into assisted living to live out the rest of your days. #amirite? And because most of us were latchkey kids, we just took care of it. Took care of whatever needed to get done. Because no one else was going to.
But THEN something happened where you didn't recognize your life anymore. Or the dissatisfaction grew so intense that it was hard to ignore. Maybe an itch started to crawl under your skin. Or a near-death experience happened to you or someone close to you and you snapped out of your zombie mode and asked: WTF am I doing with my life??
Welcome to midlife crisis.
Suddenly, you're looking at nothing but darkness. The road that was once mapped out for you is no longer there. It's as if nighttime fell like a curtain and wiped out the road. Total blackout.
What do you do?
If you're like me, you freak out. You panic. You try to reach for the familiar, but find it's not there. You panic some more. You try to do things you used to do, but they don't work anymore. Nothing does. It's like trying to claw your way out of quicksand. You can't do it. The more you scramble, the deeper you go in. So you just stop. You take a deep breath. And you look at the darkness all around you, feeling and fumbling for a way out. (Btw, pro tip: the actual way to get out of quicksand is to take small movements, VERY slowly, as you try to hoist yourself onto solid land)
You could continue your life this way, fumbling around in the dark. Aimlessly finding your way through midlife slowly. Struggling with the mindset problems that society creates around what is thinks midlife is supposed to be like (crisis, a feeling of no longer being useful to society, old and weak, an outcast).
Or you could carry a map that can guide you through this threshold to elderhood, a time in our lives when we embody our lived wisdom and impart it on our younger generations, where we lead with grace and power in knowing who we are meant to be and how we are meant to serve the collective. You could feel excited about midlife (* gasp! * what??) and travel this path with other women who are on this journey to live out our truths.
In this 3-day event, I will teach you about the stages of alchemy, a mysterious process from the times of King Arthur and Merlin that was practiced by magicians to turn lead into gold. Instead of that, we will be taking the narratives of our lives that were handed to us by society and turning them into the golden stories of who we have always been destined to be during this season of our lives. When you know where you are, you can map a way to where you want to go: towards an illuminous elderhood that changes worlds.
Will you join me on this journey?