Get. It Done.

8 weeks of online co-writing sessions

Thursdays, June 6, 13, 27
July 3*, 11, 18, 26 and Aug 1
*Wed, b/c of the holiday)

1-3pm ET // $80**
(**to help keep you committed to showing up consistently! Read more below.)

Get. It. Done.

Simple as that.

Got a writing project that that you keep putting to the side, saying, I'll get to it later?

Or maybe you're more organized and you’ve put it in your schedule: writing time but when that time comes, you’re saying to yourself let me just do this one thing, which then becomes ten things. And before you know it, your writing time has vanished. It's time to pick up the kids or make dinner or or or...

Does this sound familiar?

Are you saying to yourself, how does she know?

I’ve LIVED it, my friend! (and continue to live it! haha!)

So this summer, I am offering eight online co-writing sessions over the next 8 weeks for writers of color. Two hour sessions to create structure to these summer days and get some momentum going.

We'll write in each other's company because it feels easier to make a commitment when you know others are doing it with you. And it feels soooo good to be in community with other folks of color.

Writing is already lonely as it is. Let's dive into our individual projects in community, together.

And to make sure you've got a little skin in the game to help you show up for the co-writing sessions, there's a nominal fee ($80 $10/week). It's like the difference between trying to work out on your own and investing in a gym membership. You're more likely to show up at the gym.

We start THIS week on Thursday, June 6th!

And don’t worry - you can join anytime during this 2-month period. Just know that the fee doesn’t change. It’s $80 whether you start on the 6th or four weeks from now.

Sign up today because you're ready to get shit done!

Eight Thursdays, 1-3 pm ET

June 6, 13, 27
July 3*, 11, 18, 26
Aug 1
(*Wed - due to holiday)

About your facilitator

Leslieann Hobayan is a Filipina-American poet, essayist, activist mom, and host of Spiritual Grit, a podcast at the intersection of spirituality and activism. She is the author of the chapbook, Divorce Papers: A Slow Burn (Finishing Line Press, 2023) and her poetry manuscript, Jeepney Girl: An Archipelago, was a finalist for the Trio House Press Open.

Nominated for a Pushcart Prize and a 2018 Best of the Net, her work has appeared in The Rumpus, Aster(ix) Journal, The Grief Diaries, The Lantern Review, The Mom Egg Review, The World I Leave You: Asian American Poets on Faith and Spirit, and elsewhere.

She has been awarded fellowships from the Vermont Studio Center, Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation, VCCA, and artist grants from Community of Writers and the Bread Loaf Orion Environmental Writers Conference. Currently teaching at Rutgers University, she’s also a spiritual mentor for women of color, a yoga & meditation teacher, a tarot reader, and facilitates sacred healing circles for people of color.